Saturday, April 7, 2012

Discarded to Precious

Recently we finished a Discarded to Precious assignment in our design class. The assignment was to basically take something people throw away and make it something awesome. I obviously decided that I was going to make clothing, a dress to be specific.

Why? I really have no idea. I guess I just wanted a reason to use a sewing machine and say I made an outfit. All the cool kids can sew.

Anyway, I decided to use plastic bags and iron them together to make them stiff. When you iron plastic bags together, they become really WEIRD.
Which one is not like the others
This is with the pattern I made by hand. It wasn’t too bad, but for whatever reason I had no idea how to sew this when it came down to curves. I figured it out, but I don’t really know how.
Basically what it looked like in the end after sewing it and sticking some duct tape to the bottom of it for some ‘hem’.

I wish I could show the whole process, but I forgot to take pictures of most of it. And as much as I’d love to show pictures of the completed model, but I’d rather not have a human model in it. So MAYBE ONE DAY.

The back is a lace up with some old shoelaces I found from a pair of shoes I used for Halloween. They have no traction, so I won’t be using them again. I figured that much so why not use the shoelaces right?
Seemed like a good idea at the time
My partner on this blog took most of these pictures for me because I am incompetent. So rousing applause!

Anyway, I didn’t get much more than a book.
There aren’t any pictures in it so that means I have to read it.
Not really sure what it’s about.

- A

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